About Me
Well, this site has ben open as the Lunar Gateway since September 3, 2000, but not a single thing has been known about the owner for the past five months (this was originallly written in Feb. 2001- updated Dec. 2001). I figured it's about time I added some information about myself.

Internet Handle: Riannon, Rhiannon, or Epona
Age: 14
Apearance: Brown hair, green/blue/hazel eyes (depends on my wardrobe), height 5'3"
Fav Colors: Maroon and forest green
Fav Animes: Sailormoon, Tenchi Muyo, Gundam Wing, Magic Knight Rayearth, Slayers, Angel Santuary, Sorcerer Hunters, and some of the movies; YuuYuu Hakusho, and Vampire Hunter D, etc.
Fav Movie and TV Show(non-anime): The Crow and The Crow: Stairway to Heaven
Fav Books/Authors: Anything by Fransesca Lia Block or Amelia Atwater-Rhodes, also enjoys L.J. Smith Night World and Secret Circle series. I'll take the Vampire Chronicles any day! (Can't wait for Queen of the Dammed to come out in the theater)
Fav Music: Creed, Korn, Eagles, Fleetwood Mac, Linkin Park, and pretty much everything except teeny pop.
Pet Peeves: Ignorant people, snobs, sometimes the human species as a whole.
Hobbies: Hanging out, writing poetry, reading alot, listening to music, playing the guitar (or attempting to, I'm terrible)